Citizens of the HAVEN gathered : LIVE @thehavenuk and Physically : Vincent Street, Canning Town, London E16 1LZ Sunday the 9th July 2023 for our Thanksgiving, Prophetic, Healing and Holy Ghost Gathering Themed : WHEN THE PROPHETIC IS UNCONVENTIONAL PART 2.
This sermon is a continuation from Our Powerful Friday Night of Intercession Gathering - Themed : 4 Fridays of The Mantle Shall Work For Me Hosted by Our Serving Senior Pastors Apostle John and Prophetess Josephine Enumah. Sunday 9th July was a GLORIOUS TIME in the presence of Lord as we celebrated our leaders' 13th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY! CONGRATULATION once again TO ON YOUR BLISSFUL, BEAUITFUL AND FRUITFUL MARRIAGE Apostle John and Prophetess Josephine Enumah.
2 KINGS 5:10 "And Elisha sent a messenger unto him, saying, Go and wash in Jordan seven times, and thy flesh shall come again to thee, and thou shalt be clean."
In this month of Perfection and Completion to enter into That Rest with God, Apostle John Enumah (through the aid of the Holy Spirit) bring us into deep revelation of the story of Elisha and Naaman. Apostle got us to us to understand that Naaman was a man of Great Accomplishment, a man of Great Victory, a Great General but despite all this achievement he had LEPROSY which brought him to a dimension of being inferior amongst many, a disease that even GOD forbid.
"But Naaman was wroth, and went away, and said, Behold, I thought, He will surely come out to me, and stand, and call on the name of the Lord his God, and strike his hand over the place, and recover the leper." 2 KINGS 5:11 tells us Naaman went to the King of Israel but the King rented his clothes as he thought Naaman wanted war, when Elisha heard of this he asked why "has thou rent thy clothes ?" Let him come to me and he shall know that there is a prophet in ISREAL. So Naaman decided to take his chariot, his horses, sliver and materials. When Naaman got to Elisha, Elisha sent his servant to speak to Naaman but Naaman found it very disrespectful because he thought himself to be a CHAMPION.
Apostle John Enumah taught us that many of us find ourselves in problems but when we ask God for answers, we want God to answer the way we desire rather than according to his will for our lives. God answers us so that He alone would be glorified in our lives. The Lord is not obligated to be patterned by our thinking nor our mentality. GOD answers how He sees fit to answer. This is why God released the five dimension of GRACE on men, the five offices to minister which is meant to bring edification and health to the body of Christ - the highest order being the APOSTLES, then the PROPHETS, the EVANGELISTS, the PASTORS and the TEACHERS. Apostle John enlightened us on the PROPHECTIC ministry that this office is of many diverse mysteries.
2 KINGS 5: 12- 13 gives us more insight into Naaman story, Naaman murmured and complained on his way home as he thought why not a better river than that of river Jordan, but his servant girl told him Elisha asked for nothing but only for you to dip/ wash in the Jordan river SEVEN times, Naaman had the right counsel at the right time which after dipping in river Jordan he was made whole.
Here 6 things you should know to receive from the UNCONVENTIONALITY of GOD'S POWER :
You are vulnerable no matter how powerful you are in life! Naaman thought he was so powerful going to river Jordan was beneath him, the vulnerability of Naaman was his wealth this is why Elisha rejected it.
Kill the Spirit of Pride! Naaman pride almost cost him his healing, he saw him self as a conqueror but Prophet Elisha GOD , makes people more than conquerors.
Humility saves life! Naaman healing came from the time he became humble, if you have pride in you, you will die SICK.
Be Obedient! There is always a reward for obedience to GOD word because the word of God is the source of all resources of the earth.
Have Faith! God honours even the faith of an imperfect man hence the reason the prostitute RAHAB name was mentioned in the bible with great men such as JESUS, MOSES, JOSHUA.
God is the only Plan! When you approach GOD in prayer make sure you have no other plan and GOD is your ONLY option.
God is not for Sale ! You cannot buy miracle from GOD, he blesses how he sees fit to bless.
In this month of July - prophetically declared as the month of Completion and Perfection, engage these prayer and you will experience the evidence there of:
Heavenly Father, as I begin to pray, Oh Lord, every plan of the agenda of heaven tonight, if it is one life you want to touch, transform, reveal to, may my life, may my spirit, my head not reject the move of God tonight ,in the name of Jesus !
Heavenly Father as I begin to pray, oh lord , give me grace to remain humble before you ,before your instruction ,I refuse to elevate myself above the simplicity of your words ,in the name of Jesus !
Heavenly Father, as I begin to pray, Oh Lord, may I never get to a place where I challenge your instructions, where I challenge your word for/to me, in the name of Jesus !
Heavenly Father, as I begin to pray, Oh Lord, may my walk from this day from day be guided by your word, may I not live a life of disobedience and may I not be lead by the spirit of disobedience to your word for me, in the name of Jesus !
Heavenly Father, as I begin to pray, Oh Lord , I ask that the revelation of your opens me up to the reality of your thought for me, in the name of Jesus !
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